Series: Stand-Alone Sermons
“The Nazareth Manifesto"
August 06, 2023 | Rob Kimmons
Passage: Luke 4:14-30
God's __________program is for _________ humanity.
Despite the fact that we are at the ________ ________ of all our experiences, God does not _____________ us before others.
Your homework:
1) What is healthy about an outwardly-focused church? Can it go too far?
2) Why do you think the people in Jesus' home synagogue were happy about the initial message, and why did they change their tune? Compare their reaction in verses 22 with verses 28-29.
4) What is the difference between the idea of God's Messiah offering release for all humanity, and a free-for-all universalism?
5) What feels different about sending American Christians to serve people in a far-off under-privileged country versus ourselves serving those same people from under-privileged countries here in our town? 6) Read Exodus 23:9. What is the reason given for not mistreating immigrants? Is there a sense in which we ourselves are immigrants (either from history or from the Bible)?
To go deeper, check out the two stories Jesus and his hometown audience are so familiar with by reading about the widow in 1 Kings 17:8-24 and the enemy general in 2 Kings 5:1-27. Then flip through Luke and note the ways in which Jesus acts out his manifesto by releasing (or announcing good news of release) to the poor and outcast.
Series Information

Stand-Alone Sermons are sermons that are not part of a series.