Forms + Manuals


The Resources listed below are provided by the Church to help and assist ministry leaders, and members as they serve others for Jesus sake.

Ministry Teams Manual

This Manual includes helpful information on starting new ministries and running meetings. It also includes the Covenant required for prospective Ministry Team Members (Appendix B).

Ministry Team Manual

PYC (Protect Your Children)

Protect Your Children; The PYC program applies to all of AFCC's ministries that are directed to people under 18 years old. All of AFCC's Staff, Ministry Leaders, Adult Volunteers and Youth Volunteers must comply with the PYC rules to be involved with any of the PYC ministries.


ShortTerm Missions Manual

This Manual is designed to help team leaders or members to plan, pray and execute a short-term missions either within America or internationally.


Selecting a Bible Study

The purpose of this booklet is to assist small groups, Sunday school classes or other Christian Education Ministries of Adams Farm Community Church to help find and select Gospel-focused and Word-centered studies that help disciples grow in their maturity across multiple generations and varying walks of life. These studies help give a broad understanding of evangelical, reformed and Presbyterian doctrines to help members to mature in their understanding of the beliefs of the Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church.

Selecting a Bible Study

Men's Devotionals

The following list of devotionals was approved by the Session on March 28th, 2019. These devotionals help give a broad understanding of evangelical, reformed and Presbyterian doctrines to help men to mature in their understanding of the beliefs of the Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church.

Men's Devotionals

Pre-marriage Counseling and Weddings

The ties between a husband and wife are strong as they mirror the union between Christ and the church. God has seen fit to use the family unit as a foundational institution of human society. When arranging to celebrate your wedding here at Adams Farm Community Church (AFCC), your ceremony is considered a public service of worship. Regardless of whether your ceremony is led by our pastor, you will be asked to keep the service within the guidelines of the ARP Directory of Public Worship. 

Wedding request form

Wedding booklet

FACILITIES, Administrative & Financial

These forms are used for various administrative and financial purposes. Please fill these out and submit them to our Administrative Assistant,

Marti Alderman,

If you purchased something for church use and are requesting reimbursement, please complete this form, attach the receipt, and submit to the church office. All purchases should be verbally approved by the appropriate team and if over $250, should be signed by a deacon before submission to the office. (For Correct Account Code please see current Budget).

reimbursement form

If you would like to use the building or grounds of AFCC, please complete and sign this form and return it to the church office. The office administrator will check for calendar conflicts. If there are none, she will forward your request to the deacons for their approval. Once approval is received or denied, the office administrator will advise you.

Facility request form

This form is made available for teams and members to request assistance/advice from the Communications team to help make the teams' news and events information available. This Form will help the Communications team know the best way your news or events can get to the correct people in the congregation or community.

communications request form

The Benevolence Offering, which is collected on months where there is a 5th Sunday, is used to help people within or outside of our church who are struggling with a financial need. To make a Benevolence request, please fill out this form.

Benevolence request Form