John’s Gospel explains Jesus as “The true light, which gives light to...

Our introduction to John the Baptist includes paradoxical lessons on...

Our continued introduction to John the Baptist reveals key insights to...

The themes of Seeing and Saying in John 1 reveal an important part of...

When Jesus turns water into wine, we see his manifested glory and grow...

We observe Jesus’ interaction with the temple in his day and then adapt...

The concept of a Christian who is not “born again” makes no sense...

John’s disciples deal with jealousy towards Jesus’ work in Judea. How...

Jesus breaks across cultural and ethnic lines to bring revival to a...

The healing of the Official’s Son in John 4 is less about a boy’s...

Jesus’ question, “Do You Want to be Healed?” opens up an extensive line...

The Sabbath question of John 5 launches us into further questions of...

Jesus challenges the Pharisees. They have searched the Scriptures, but...

Jesus’ feeding of the multitude in John 6 offers several points for...

Jesus offers to satisfy us with eternal bread. So, why are we still hungry?

Just how do we get this bread of life? Come to Jesus…

How do we react to Jesus' uncomfortable truth?

A glimpse of Jesus, alone before he speaks publicly at the Feast of Booths.

Jesus engages the Pharisees, challenging them in their hypocrisy and...

What does it mean to thirst for the Living Water?

A rich and complex history of Jesus' encounter history of Jesus...

Abiding, yet going. Slavery, yet freedom. Master, yet friend. Being set...

Jesus calls out his challengers for who they truly are: children of the...

Jesus finishes his debate with the Pharisees by offering a scandalous...

When Jesus heals a man that’s been blind from birth, he teaches that...

Jesus continues his “displayed works of God” through the healed man’s...

A closer look at Jesus’ title of “The Good Shepherd” and the cultural...

In Jesus’ final public debate with the Pharisees, he provides several...

The story of Lazarus is a story of Jesus: his hope for how we grieve...

John 11 includes numerous individuals with varied responses to the...

A crowd in Jerusalem laid down palms upon Jesus’ arrival. But did they...

When Jesus gives voice to his “soul troubled,” what is he saying to us?

John’s Gospel calls back to Isaiah’s prophecy to explain the people’s...

When Jesus washes the disciples’ feet before their last supper...

God uses Judas’ sin to fulfill his own righteous plan.

After Judas’ departure, Jesus issues a “new commandment” that is very...

Jesus’ disciples are troubled at his departure, but he promises that...

6 Works of the Holy Spirit (John 14:15-31)
Jesus promises that in his...

What does it mean when we do (or do not) bear the fruit offered through...

For Jesus to call us “friends,” we must understand the difference...

The Holy Spirit’s Work to keep us from falling away.

5 themes about how through Christ, joy can come from our sorrow and...

As Jesus begins his “High Priestly Prayer” in a prayer for himself...

Jesus continues his “High Priestly Prayer” in a prayer for his...

Jesus prays for us, the disciples to come.

Jesus’ response to his betrayal in Gethsemane shows a Savior who is...

We consider Pilate and the “patience of evil” as it slowly entices him...

In a chapter filled with “not” and “no,” we learn to say “yes” to Jesus.

While the physical aspects of Jesus’ death are worthy of study, it’s...

John’s life-filled resurrection narrative serves a central purpose...

An evening interlude towards the end of John’s Gospel shows us the...

Jesus’ threefold restoration of Peter reminds us of our own struggles...