“Your Gifts”

Series: Good Enough In God

“Your Gifts”

May 08, 2022 | Rev. Dr. Brian Howard

Passage: Exodus 3:1-12

  1.  God D___________ His Gifts to Specific P___________.
    “Come, I will send you to Pharaoh…” (Ex. 3:10)

    What has God chosen me to do that I'm neglecting? That I'm embracing? That I’m considering?
  2. God D_____________ His Gifts Through Us in His Specific T__________.
    “If they will not believe you or listen to the first sign, they may believe the latter sign…(Ex.  4:8)

    What gifts is God developing in me right now? What Gifts do I need to work on that I know have potential for the Kingdom? What gifts seem to be unfolding a little at a time?


  1. God D______________ His Will Through Us in Our Specific G__________.
    “I will be with your mouth and with his mouth…And take in your hand this staff…”  (Ex. 4:15b, 17)

    How has the Lord used me to carry out His will? How does he develop my gifts even as I’m in the process of using them?

Series Information

Our identity in Jesus Christ is paramount. Rather than trying to be "good enough" on our own, we find our purpose and meaning as individuals saved through the work of Jesus Christ and created in the Image of God, or Imago Dei. How might the Lord minister to you and through you to live out your purpose for Him?

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