Series: Spiritual Gifts
“Tongues” (p. 2)
February 23, 2025 | Rev. Dr. Brian Howard
How can we serve Jesus by having a better understanding of this unique spiritual gift?
Review: Pentecost, Samaria, Cornelius/Gentiles
The Ephesian 12: The Spirit Delayed in Tongues
Limits on the Gift of Tongues in 1 Corinthians
Is your gift of tongues building up the church and the individual?
Is your gift of tongues truly of the Holy Spirit?
What’s the big “if” with the gift of tongues?
Have tongues ceased or not?
Series Information

Spiritual Gifts. What are they? Should every Christian expect to receive them and use them? And what about controversial gifts such as speaking in tongues? We'll take a Biblical look at the topic of Spiritual Gifts as we try to understand them in our continued obedience to Jesus Christ.