“Rahab’s Righteousness”
April 16, 2023 | Rev. John Kimmons
Passage: Joshua 2:1-24
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1. It is hard to stand A________________
2. Spies were sent out by J_________________ and God
3. Grace is seen in God's choice of R_______________
a. She was a G_________________
b. She was an A_______________
c. She was a P_______________
4. Rahab's faith came by H___________________ with her
E____________ and believing in her H_____________
5. Rahab applied her faith by:
a. Putting her L_______________ on the line
b. Rejecting her P_____________ and her P______________
c. Identifying with God's P_________________
6.The scarlet cord was a sign
a. To save H______________ from death
b. Of the future blood of J_______________
7. We should identify with Rahab
a. We were (are) lost in s______________
b. We can have a new l_________________
c. We have heard with our ears but have we changed professions?