Series: But You, Beloved: The Letter of Jude
“Mercy, Peace, & Love”
October 27, 2024 | Rev. Dr. Brian Howard
Passage: Jude 1:1-3
“Mercy, Peace, & Love” (Jude 1:1-3)
We Are Servants First
We Are Called (in the Spirit)
We Are Beloved in the Father
We Are Kept for the Son
We Have Mercy, Peace, And Love (eleos, eirēnē, agape)
For further study: “The Four Loves,” C.S. Lewis
Series Information

Jude's letter to the church comes just 30 or so years after Jesus' resurrection. But false teachers and division have already "crept in unnoticed." What does this scripture teach us about contending for the truth in our own day?