"Living With Decisions"

Series: Just Make a Decision!

"Living With Decisions"

May 26, 2024 | Rev. Dr. Brian Howard

Adams Farm Community Church, Rev. Brian Howard, D. Min

 Message: https://www.youtube.com/@adamsfarmcommunitychurch/streams

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  1. Characteristics of A Good Decision (Col. 1:10ff)

  2. What If The Timing Isn’t Right? (Ecc. 3:1,11)

  3. What If I’m Missing Out? (Matt. 6:31-33; Rom 8:5, 28)

  4. What If I’ve Made a Mistake? (Joel 2:24-25)

      . Foggy, Foolish, or Faithless

      5. Have I Made The Decision That Matters Most? (Joshua 25:15b)


 For Further Study:

 “God Can Restore Your Lost Years” (Colin Smith, GospelCoalition.org)

Series Information

With so many options in life, what are the steps to healthy, Biblically based decision-making? 

Other sermons in the series

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