Series: Job: Suffering in Salvation
"Hurtful Ways of Helping"
September 12, 2021
Passage: Job 4:1-5:27
- J________ to C__________. (4:1-6)
- H______-T______ Theology. (4:7-11)
- P______-A_____ Theology. (4:12-21)
- S______-R___________ Assurance/ (5:1-7)
- H_______, But No H________ .(5:8-16)
- P________ Y_______ C_______ K______. (5:17-27)
- Is there a “bruised reed” in your life? How can you provide them some tender Christian comfort?
- Have you experienced a form of “Eliphaz-Encouragement” from a friend? Can you forgive them for falling short?
- Are you suffering right now? What would help you most?
Series Information
The Book of Job can be a daunting read. It raises questions about the attitude Christians should take when they find themselves suffering in the midst of their salvation. How can we be encouraged by this rather dark book? How do we see Jesus in between the lines of Job?