Series: Creed
“He Shall Come to Judge…”
September 10, 2023 | Rev. Dr. Brian Howard
Passage: Matthew 25:14-30
Adams Farm Community Church, Rev. Brian Howard, D. Min
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1. The Servants H______ A_______.
2. The Master W________ R________.
3. All Will B______ J________.
“Walk in the master’s ways, Work in fruitfulness with his talents, Wait expectantly upon his return.”
What ability does our Lord recognize in you?
What gift is he calling you to share?
What time, talent, or treasure does he expect you to use for his sake?
Series Information
The Apostles' Creed is an ancient text dating back to the earliest days of the Christian Church. In it, we affirm the essentials of faith and practice that unify Christ-followers from around the world. This summer, we'll study Scripture through the framework provided in the Creed as we continue to grow in our own understanding of living a life based on Jesus' truth.