
"Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven." - Matthew 19:14

At Adams Farm Community Church, our Children's Ministry teaches children to love God, know the Bible, and serve others.

Sunday Morning Kingdom Kids: Preschoolers and school-age children are encouraged to join their families for the first half of our Sunday morning worship time. Children are then dismissed from the sanctuary to age-appropriate classrooms. Each of our volunteers completes training and a background check. We adapt curriculum from The Gospel Project, Orange, Answers in Genesis, Great Comission, and other publishers that fit within our Reformed tradition.

Classes are available for the following age groups:

3 - 5 Years Old 
Kindergarten – 5th Grade

Wednesday Evening COREKIDS: During the week, elementary age children in grades K-5th can attend our Bible and discipleship program, COREKIDS. This program uses The Gospel Project curriculum. We meet every Wednesday evening during the school year. Dinner is provided. Click our Events Page for time and location

For specific times, please visit our Events Calendar
For more information, please contact:
Lauren Yodis

Upcoming Events

The Gospel Project
March 30, 2025

Ages 3 through 5th grade. The Gospel Project will be taught during the church service every week...

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