

"If anyone aspires to the office of overseer, he desires a noble task. Therefore an overseer must be above reproach..." - 1 Timothy 3:1–2

Presbyterian church structure comes from the Greek word πρεσβύτερος (“presbyteros”). This word is translated as "elder" or "pastor." In the Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church, it is the responsibility of these men, both individually and jointly, to guard and promote the spiritual welfare of the congregation. This group of Elders is also called The Session. (See ARP Form of Government, 6.4a)

Our Current Elders:
Brian Howard – Pastor, Moderator
Hugh Cameron – Clerk
Jimmy Newman - Vice-Moderator
Derek Hansen - Elder


"Deacons likewise must be dignified...They must hold the mystery of the faith with a clear conscience." - 1 Timothy 3:8–9

Deacons are like the hands to the body. “Deacon” comes from the Greek word, διάκονος ("diakonos"). This word is translated as "servant." In the Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church it is the responsibility of these men and women to assist in the practical and mercy ministries of the church. The Diaconate encourages the total stewardship of the congregation, with an emphasis on faithful tithing and generous hospitality towards others. The Diaconate serves under the authority of the Session. (See ARP Form of Government, 5.5-6)

Our Current Deacons:
Bobby Glasgow
Terri Whalen
Lynn Duffy
Paul Yodis
Tony Federico
Chris Williams
Cliff Thomas
Bob Williams 


Adams Farm Community Church has various staff positions that provide leadership and direction to key ministries within the Church. These positions work under the oversight of the session and deacons to help carry out the mission and vision of Adams Farm Community Church.

Our Staff